What is the difference between a Cart, a Shopping List and a Request for Quotation (RFQ)?
- A Cart is a list of items currently sold online. You may checkout and order a cart now. You may also request a quotation on that cart or save that cart as a shopping list.
- A Shopping List is a list of items that you or a colleague may order later. You may request a quotation from the list or convert to a cart. In both cases, you may add additional items to that RFQ or cart or edit quantities, etc.
A shopping list is a good way to save items frequently ordered.
A shopping list may be shared with colleagues - very useful when one person is a specifier, another the approver, and a third the authorized purchasing agent (or credit card holder).
- A Request for Quotation may contain items sold by UNICOR and other items that may or may not be sold by UNICOR. The RFQ is submitted to an authorized UNICOR individual who will respond within a few days with a formal RFQ. Prices and lead times will be guaranteed for a period of time (unlike a shopping list which will update if pricing and/or availability status changes between saving and retrieving).
How do I create a Shopping List?
You can create a new shopping list by adding any item to "New Shopping List" or by clicking the "Save Cart" menu item. You will be prompted to supply a Shopping List name when saving a cart or creating a new Shopping List.
Note: You must have a UNICOR account to create a shopping list.
How do I edit my Shopping List?
You may change quantities of any/all items in your shopping list and click the "Update" button. You may delete any item by changing the quantity to zero and updating, or by clicking the delete icon (trash can) to the right of the item
How do I share a Shopping List?
You may share a shopping list by clicking "Share Shopping List" at the bottom of a shopping list page. Provide your colleague's e-mail and name along with a short message. An e-mail will be sent to your colleague along with a link for them to see your shopping list as a cart. They may then order it or save/share their copy as their own list.
How do I delete a Shopping List?
At the top-right of the shopping list page, there is a link that says "Delete List". Click it and you will be asked to confirm your action (note that your list will be archived and you may recover it by contacting us UNICOR.eCommerce@usdoj.gov). You may also delete a shopping list from the page that lists all your shopping lists - just click the trash can icon to the far right of the list to be deleted.
How do I Request a Quotation from my Shopping List?
At the bottom of each shopping list there is a link that says "Request a Quote". Clicking the link will add the items in the shopping list to a quote form that you can edit and submit. You may also include items in your cart or other items.
How do I find a Shopping List?
From the main menu under 'Shopping List' there is a link labeled 'View All'. Clicking that will display your shopping lists (after login). Alternatively, your My Account Dashboard displays a "My Shopping Lists" applet which will bring you to the same list of shopping lists. Shopping lists you deleted and those automatically archived after many months of inactivity will not appear on your list of Shopping Lists.
How do I order a Shopping List?
At the bottom of each shopping list there is a button that says "Order now". Clicking the button will add all valid items in the shopping list to your cart (merging with any items already in your cart) and forward you to the checkout application.